Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dog Talk: Katie


This is Katie, my three month old energetic, playful, destructive, glutton and noisy puppy. She's just three months old and her size is this big already. She's so big that makes us forget that she's just three months old! Lol! She grows from a puny and fragile pup in the pic below to a more than one foot long pup above in just three months.

She's a mongrel which I suspect that is a cross between a German Shephard dog and another mongrel dog of unknown ancestry. I didn't get to see her parents when I went to Petaling Jaya, Selangor near 1 Utama to get her so I don't know for sure whether my suspicion was correct. She's big boned. Black and tan in colour and has some black on the muzzle. She has a black saddle on her back like that of a western German kind of German Shephard dog. All these are the common physical traits of a GSD.

Pure Breed German Shephard Dog

Her owners didn't want to let us go to their house to choose the puppies but instead chose to take the whole litter of puppies to 1 Utama for us to pick instead. I guess they didn't want us to find out one of her parent is a GSD because many people won't want if they knew she got GSD blood.
Her owners were desparate to give away the puppies. She hasn't weaned yet when we got her home. If you buy puppies from breeders, they usually let you take the pup home after it has weaned.

Anyway, I'm not bothered much if she actually has GSD blood in her although my parents are worried about it. They're afraid that she'll grow up to be too fierce that can even bite her own owners. Yeah, yeah, I know there's many people out there thinks the same too. Remember this; GSDs don't take kindly to beatings and abuse. If you don't practice these two, and give it the attention it needs and socialise it properly, you'll be fine. It only turn against you if you abuse it and make it feel it's time to defend itself. They're highly intelligent dogs so they're not for everybody.

Well, I like my dog the way she is although many people have negative comments about her alsation heritage. I like it more that she has alsation heritage which gives her intelligence, alertness and obedience. She's easy to train and obedient. In just two months she already know how to sit on command, shake hand, heel on a leash, and play fetch.

She's wild and extremely energetic. She's like active throughout the day! She sleeps very little and is always ready to play. Lol!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hi, I'm Eunice. I don't have a nickname that rhymes with my actual name except for Soo Ling that translates to forest in mandarin, hahaha! My other nickname that my friend gave me is turtle because of my love for turtles when I was 14, hehe. I kept a terrapin turtle back then as a pet but I later release him back to the lake. I shall write more about my pets later in my blog. Anyway, I prefer to be called by my real name, hehe.

Okay, back to the introduction. This is my first post. I know, I know I've opened an account here for a long time but I still haven't written anything yet. I opened a blog account after reading my friends blogs which look fun to write. I was soooooo excited to to open an account and I did! And realised that to my horror...I DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TO WRITE FOR MY FIRST POST!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

So anyway, here I am, giving my best shot. I have no experience in writing blogs so please bear with me till the end and don't fall asleep. Hehe.

I'm 18 years old. I'm currently doing my A-levels in UCSI. I've finally gotten used to college life except for the exams though. I haven't sit for my first semester exam for my A-levels so i don't know how it will be like yet.

In this blog, I'll write some journals of my life, TV shows, Movies, books, Pets and animals, and short stories. Yeah, these are my interests. I love to watch TV and movies. I'll write some reviews on the TV shows and movies I watched and also on books too.

And I love animals. My love for animals started since I was born, I guess. LOL. I loved animals since I can remember. I remembered the first movie I've watched was the Land Before Time. Is about dinosaurs. After watching that movie, I drew my first dinosaur. I love all kinds of animals. You name it; mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fishes. Not insects though, I'm scared of them but I don't hate them. Many of them are beautiful like butterflies. Hehe. I'm currently keeping a puppy. I shall write about her some time under the section Dog Talk. So look up for it in my blog later, hehe.

As for about writing short stories, I'll write them and post in this blog and in fictionpress too. I plan to write about animal stories and fantasy fictions. Some will be just one-shots or multichapter stories so look up for them, hehe.

That's all about my first post. Until next time! :-)