Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tired Tuesday...

Woke up at 6.30am on tuesday morning this week, feeling groggy and extremely sleepy because of the unfitful sleep yesterday night after viewing a very revolting photo. Ugggghhhh!! Really gave me nightmares.

Then, ate breakfast and took my puppy to the vet for vaccination. We were the first to arrive and took the first number. Poor Katie had to be left in the cage outside the waiting room because no dogs are allowed in the waiting room. I was reluctant to leave her alone outside in the cage for this was the first visit to the vet for her and she's still a puppy and may end up freaked up in a unknown place. My parents say its fine but later, my fears were right.

She was curled up in the far corner of her cage. She wasn't noisy and didn't even attempt to nip me when I pet her the whole time she was outside. She did that a lot when we're at home, LOL.

Her fears worsen when someone brought a big white Spitz and place it in the cage opposite her. The silly dog kept barking at my dog. She barks back in self defence but backing up to the cage's far wall. I told her 'No', she stopped barking and look up at me while the other dog kept barking at her.

We still have to leave her out there for about 20 minutes before the counter open and patients can start to see the vet. After filling in some forms, we get to see the vet at 9 am.

Poor Katie was scared stiff. She was trembling all over when we place her on the table for the vet to examine her. The vet, a man around his 20s, took her temperature and said it was kind of high. So he said he will take her temperature later she had calmed down. We weighed her first then.

We pet and stroke her back the whole time to calm her down. She lie down like a Sphinx and curled up against me while I tried to calm her. After a few minutes, the vet took her temperature again and said it's okay now to give the injection.

After she had been vaccinated, we went home. Katie was back to her usual self when we reached home.

I ate a packet of nasi lemak. Then tried to study my m'sian notes for my exam next week. But it was so boring and I was tired so I ended up felling asleep twice on the table. The 3rd time I decided to go to sleep till 3 pm.

After that, got up and read a novel till 5 pm. Then went for a walk in the park near my home.

Then, came back and watch America's Funniest Home Videos at 7.30 pm before dinner.

After dinner went back to studying M'sian studies notes. But it was SO BORING!!! I ended up unable to concentrate and couldn't remember much.

Later went online for a while then went to sleep till the next morning.